First LNG Bunkering in Singapore carried out by Oak STS team.

  • 2 May 2019
  • Landmark ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operation celebrated in Singapore
  • Pavilion Energy has performed the first commercial ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore. The operation, the first of its kind in Singapore, comprised a reload of 2,000 cu m of LNG onto a small-scale tanker at the newly-modified secondary jetty of the Singapore LNG (SLNG) Terminal, followed by a ship-to-ship transfer to the receiving heavy-lift commercial vessel.
  • “Pavilion Energy’s first commercial ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operations in Singapore demonstrates our strong commitment and capability to deliver a comprehensive suite of LNG bunker supply solutions to Singapore and the region,” said Frédéric Barnaud, group CEO of Pavilion Energy. “We are very pleased to have achieved this shared milestone in close collaboration with the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and SLNG Corporation, and with the support from various stakeholders, partners and customers.”
  • Quah Ley Hoon, chief executive of MPA, commented, “As the world’s largest bunkering port, Singapore is committed to provide a range of bunkering solutions to meet the future energy needs of the global shipping industry.”Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pavilion Gas, a licensed LNG bunker supplier, the company has chartered its first LNG bunker vessel newbuild earlier this year. The 12,000 cu m GTT Mark III Flex membrane LNG bunker vessel is set for delivery by 2021, and is the largest of its kind set for use in Singapore to date.